Student Spotlight – Sherlyna Shendon Anak Martin

student_spotlight_mayHi, I am Sherlyna Shendon Anak Martin from Malaysia. I am a government sponsored student and I am going to further my studies in Dentistry. Currently, I am taking Canadian Pre-University Programme (CPU) at Innovative International College (IIC), Malaysia. In my opinion, CPU programme is the best pre-university programme compared to other programme offered by other colleges. This is because CPU programme is well-recognised by many universities abroad such as Canada, Australia, USA, UK, and India. As I will be furthering my studies in Dentistry in India, this programme suits me well. Moreover, we have the flexibility to choose from a wide selection of subjects related to what you wish to pursue. In addition, we are given the opportunity to decide on which subjects we would like to take in that particular semester.

Furthermore, I really like the way how CPU programme is structured. CPU programme promotes holistic learning process whereby it is based on 70% courseworksuch as homework, assignments and projects.The other 30% is based on final exams. Our performance will be graded on our understanding, thinking and communication skills and the ability to apply knowledge and skills to different perspectives. From my own experience, this programme truly changes my learning skills because previously, I was only learning based on the content in books and syllabus. However, through this programme, I now can learn more new things as we are required to do research for our coursework, presentations and discussions. These make us be more open-minded in terms of receiving information or knowledge and also giving us the platform to think out of the box. Other than that, we have the opportunity to contribute new ideas as we are able to apply what we have learned in other perspective such as how they are used in real life and also giving idea to invent new technologies in the future. CPU programme also focused on communication and interaction among students, local lecturers and also with Canadian-certified teachers. Thus, this helps in developing our communication and learning skills. Overall, CPU programme not only focused on exams but also cultivate more holistic approach and learning skills.

As mentioned earlier, there are local lecturers and also Canadian-certified teachers involved during our CPU programmes. Let me start with International Innovative College local lecturers first. Throughout this programme, there are lecturers who will guide us. In class, they teach us based on the syllabus in the textbook and enlighten us about the topics that we will learn. They are very caring because they are very concerned about our education and willing to help us by putting effort in providing creative lessons which will give us better understanding about certain topics. IIC lecturers are full of knowledge and they love sharing interesting information to enhance our view relating to the subjects.In terms of our coursework, the lecturers will guide us on the completion of assignments, presentations and in our discussions. They never give us answers to the questions directly but they give us the space to think by ourselves. They encourage us through their guidance and this really helps us to be more independent and think creatively. In addition, it also helps us to improve in our problem solving skills. Besides, they give us moral supports and encouragement so that we can produce high quality work. Most of all, they are very nice and approachable.

Other than that, we also have Canadian-certified teachers from Canada eSchool. They are from Canada and because we are taking CPU programme in local university or college, we communicate with the Canadian teachers through e-mail and Skype. The Canadian teachers are responsible in guiding us throughout the course and they are the one who will evaluate all our coursework, tests and exams. They are very nice and willing to help by giving us better understanding if we have any concerns or doubts throughout the lesson. Nevertheless, they are always ready to lend a hand by guiding us in the completion of our assignments or evaluation activities and also they are willing to tell us about our weaknesses so that we can improve ourselves. In terms of evaluating process, they are very generous yet fair in evaluating our coursework and exams. Sometimes, they give us the opportunity to redo our assignments so that we can produce more quality work. Despite the huge time gap between Canada and Malaysia, it doesn’t stop us from interacting with the Canadian teachers. They will instantly respond to our e-mails and are always ready to have a conversation through Skype. Overall, the Canadian teachers play an important role throughout the programme.

To sum everything up, CPU programme is the best pre-university programme than other pre-university programmes. We obtained a lot of advantages through this programme as it promotes holistic education. The lecturers in IIC and also the Canadian teachers also play an important part throughout this programme as their goal is to develop individuals who are not only successful in terms of education but also successful in terms of personal development. Therefore, I really encourage others to take Canadian Pre-University Programme when they decide to further their studies after finishing their O-Levels.


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